011-43512469 iosindia1950@gmail.com

About Us

The Institution was established in


Historical Background

The different specialized profession of surveying have a proud history. These profession have, in fact, emerged from the engineering profession t meet the requirement of socio-economic progress of the society as well as to give a sound technical footing foe specialized industrial growth and other developmental activates. Prior to independence, the professional in different fields of surveying had to qualify from the Royal Institution of Chartered need was field for establishing the Institution of Surveyors as an alternative to RICS. Consequently, as a result of concerted efforts of some eminent. Persons belonging to different disciplines of Surveying profession and the blessing of our ate Prime Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, the Institution of Surveyors (India) was established n 1950 with primary objective of advancing and regulation the science of various disciplines of surveying. Another objective was to improve and elevate the technical knowledge for efficient utilization of resources of the country in national development planning programme

The Institution of Surveyors, after its formation, commenced courses in two disciplines of Surveying viz., Land Surveying and Building and Quantity Surveying and started examination on the pattern of RICS. In due course of time. The Institution developed courses in other disciplines of surveying also. At present the institution has six distinct disciplines under its fold viz., Land Surveying Hydrographic Surveying, Cadastral Surveying, Mine Surveying, Building and Quantity Surveying and Valuation Surveying.

Attainment of Position of prominence after Formation

The Institution has been utilizing all its resources and has been directing its efforts towards enhancing, extending and modernizing the technical knowledge of the persons engaged in the profession of Surveying so as to maintain a high standard of professional conduct among the members. From the very beginning the Institution has get up a high standard is professional competence in conducting it examinations and passing the Final/Direct final examination of its various disciplines is considered equivalent to degree level qualification, recognized by the Central Government, for recruitment to superior posts and services vide Government of India, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare (Department of Education) Letter No. F.18-60/61-T.2 dated 9th Jan. 1975 and amended vide Ministry of Human Resources Development ( Department of Education)  Notification No. F.18-20/83/T.12/T.7/T.13 dated 11th July, 1988.

The Institution, all along has been keeping abreast of new techniques and technologies to keep pace with all round developments and advancements and to facilitate acquisition of updated knowledge. The course contents are regularly updated to meet not only the domestic job functional requirements but also meet fully the technological and commercial changes taking place from time to time and to match the international standards. The Institution of Surveying and land economy, known as CASLE, and other international associations who provide professional input on technical advancement and platform for exchange of ideas for mutual benefit. The Institution has been represented in the Governing Body or in other capacity of CASLE for the last 40years and past president of the Institution of Surveying (India) has been the President of CASLE (Asia Region) for three consecutive terms. In collaboration with various international professional societies, the Institution has regularly organized a number of international seminars, workshops and symposia. The Institution of Surveyors holds position of high standing in International Forum.

The Institution of Surveyors has presently more than 12,000 members, including student members, on its roll who are playing very useful role in private and public sector. Many of the Fellows and members of the Institution hold prestigious ranks of Director General of Works, Engineer-In-Chief, chief Engineer of Government Departments, managing Director and Directors of reputed Companies and other high ranks in Surveying profession. The Institution Publishes, bi-annually, a technical journal, called’ Indian Surveyor’ which brings out technical articles and a variety of useful information, contributed by academician and professionals of the field, to disseminate the latest technical information to its members.

Objectives of the Institution

The objectives of the Institution are to promote and regulate the science, profession and practice of Surveying namely:

Land Surveying

The specialised and surveying Course covers higher level Physics, Cartographic, Cadastral Surveying, Topographical Surveying, Physical Geographic and Geology, Survey Mathematics and Computers, Measurement Science, Statistics and Science of Map Reproduction, Geodesy and Field Astronomy, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Terrestrial Geodesy, Observation and Adjustment Computation, Satellite Geodesy, and modern Geodetic methods including GPS and total station surveys for control establishment GIS for Decision Support System, to enable the professional land surveyors to perform specialised functions as follows, after qualifying the Final/Direct Final Examinations of the Institution in Land Surveying:

Function: Measuring and delineating physical features of earth, including cadastral, topographical, geodetic and geophysical surveying; photogrammetry for national mapping and thematic mapping, diverse surveys for land registration, development and management including engineering surveys for planning, designing and construction of engineering project, Resource surveys and management using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques

Hydrographic Surveying

The specialised Hydrographic Surveying Course covers higher level Mathematics, Physics Geography and Elementary Geology, Elementary Cartography and Map Reproduction, Elementary Seamanship and Navigation, Elementary Surveying, Hydrographic Surveying, Measurement Science, Measurement Apparatus and Systems, Terrestrial Surveys, Marine Surveys, Automated Data Gathering and Processing and Environmental Science, Law of the Sea and Nautical Science, Survey Computation to enable the Hydrographic Surveyor to perform the following functions after qualifying the Final/Direct Final Examination of the Institution in Hydrographic Surveying:

Function : Measuring and delineating the physical features of the sea and coastline to provide aid to navigation and coastal configuration; Bathymetric data of national interest including hazards to navigation and other marine activities; Sea bottom configuration; tides, currents and ocean parameters Physical properties of the water column, Geological features in the ocean.to process the collected information for thematic maps, nautical applications:

Marine navigation and traffic control, Naval operations, Coastal management and suitable developments, Marine environment preservation, Exploitation of marine resources, Laying of submarine cable/ pipelines, Maritime boundaries (UNCLOS related matters), Scientific studies connected to the sea bed and near shore zone, Geological/ Geographic studies and Ocean energy exploration.

Building and Quantity Surveying

This profession encompasses Civil Engineering, Construction Economics, Project Management including Cost Management, contract and Arbitration Law, Accountancy, Management and Information Technology.

The specialised Building and Quantity Surveying Course covers the subjects of Building Economics, Cost Planning, cost Control and Design Process, Tendering and Contractual procedures Project Management, Application of Computers in the field of Quantity Surveying and Quality Assurance, Cost Estimation, preparation of bills of Quantities of all types of Civil Engineering structures / works, Specifications , Construction technology, Drafting of contracts, Financial Administration of Contracts, Contract Law and Arbitration, Valuation of Lands and Buildings, other allied subjects of civil Engineering profession such as Building Materials and construction, Engineering Graphic and drawings Engineering Mathematics, Structural Designs and Land Surveying etc. to enable the Quantity Surveyor to perform the following functions after qualifying the Final/Direct Final Examination of the institution in Building and Quantity Surveying:

Function : Preparation of feasibility study reports including initial capital cost of an engineering project, advising on wider aspects of construction economics, investigating the cost and economic viability of large scale planning and development proposals and the cost effectiveness of alternative solutions, deployment of construction resources to the best advantage cost planning and cost control, preparation of tenders including Bills of Quantities, Finalisation of contractual arrangement and identifying and working out resources precisely required for preparation of effective construction programme and its implementation quality control, supervision of works, administration of  contracts including monitoring of progress, payments and final payment, financial management for completion of project within the time and budget constraints and management of disputes and arbitration.

Valuation Surveying

The specialized Valuation Surveying course covers Building Technology, Law, Surveying, Economics, Accounting Principle, drawing and Estimating, Mensuration and trigonometry, Valuation, Town and Country Planning,, Land Economic, Statistics and Computer Applications, Maintenance and repair of Buildings, Real Estate Management, Dilapidation, principles of Rating, Arbitration and Awards and Reports to enable the Valuation Surveyor to perform the following functions, After qualifying the Final/Direct Final Examinations of the Institution in Valuation Surveying:

Functions: Management and development of land and properties in as economical and sustainable manner, advising on the policies relating to land use planning land transactions including sources for development, financing and management of rural and agricultural land; advising on terms of occupation and disposal of land, provision of building for residential purposes including property transitions valuation of properties and for various other purposes like wealth tax, income tax, insurance, municipal property tax, stamp duty, mortgage, land acquisition, town planning etc.; auctioning, building maintenance and facilities management, on policies relating to land ownership development programme.

To foster all objectives having bearing on professional activities of Surveyors including liaison with other recognized professional bodies.

To give Government Department, Legislatures, Public Bodies, Industries and others, facilities for conferring with and ascertaining views of persons engaged in the profession of surveying.

To arrange and promote the adoption of legal and equitable forms of contracts and other documents used in the profession and to encourage and promote the settlement of disputes by ADR / arbitration, to act as or nominate in such cases as may seem expedient and to assist in the formation, functioning and maintenance of Dispute Review Board and Arbitral tribunal.

To make rules and bye-laws to regulate the work of the Institution and to amend the same from time to time.

To accept donation, fees and subscription, and to administer funds this obtained for the promotion of these objectives.

To take on lease, acquire and / or hold immovable property, improve, lease, mortgage, dispose off or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property as may be determined from time to time.

To do all such other lawful things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above mentioned objectives.

Any information concerning to the Institution and forms for enrolment any type of membership including Student member may be obtained from the Headquarters. Contact details are:

Postal Address

The Institution of Surveyors

“Sarvekshan Jyoti”
B-15/7, Qutab Institutional Area
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016




(Between 1000 hrs to 1700 hrs Monday to Saturday) (Except Second Saturday and all Closed Holidays)

9 + 5 =

The Institution of Surveyors (India) has its Headquarter in New Delhi and branches at Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Dhanbad, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chennai, Pune, Shillong and Vallabh Vidya Nagar.